Public Video List

[Audio] - Ida Teaches Going From Higher to Lower A

7:00 Fourth hour has to do with how you put support under the pelvis. We get to the energy body through the physical. . .

[Audio] - Ida Teaches Head Horizontals

Student review of "Head" homework assignment 27:40 Body work begins

[Audio] - Ida Teaches Cervical Layers

13:30 starts in earnest. Thorax to pelvis to top of skull

[Audio] - Ida Teaches Cervical Layers, Diaphragm,

Continuation of B4T03-T3SB. 6:00 Visceral fascia is endodermic portion of the body 8:30 We are integrators of all t. . .

[Audio] - Ida Teaches Working client in different

Dr. Rolf asks: "How do you know? Why do you start working with someone on their back?" 16:00 Exercise: Nose to knees 2. . .

[Audio] - Ida Teaches Muscle Mass and Correspondin

"Your answer stops you're seeing. Stops you're looking." Dr. Ida Rolf 15:25 This is my entire sermon, not only today . . .

[Audio] Jim Asher leads discussion - Defining the

Discussion among students at opening of Santa Monica Advanced Training about defining the territory of Rolfing. Legal an. . .

[Audio] - Ida Teaches Territory of Rolfing Cont. E

Beginning of the talk is a continuation of the discussion of the territory of Rolfing led by Jim Asher. Evolution of th. . .

[Audio] - Ida Teaches Planning Advanced Sessions

Continuation of Do you understand what the end of the first hour is. 5:30 Your job as Rolfers is to name the lack of s. . .

[Audio] - Ida Teaches Do You Understand What The E

10:30 How to horizontal the pelvis 13:30 We want to be able to take this new way of working with the body into the cult. . .

[Audio] - Ida Teaches What is Structural Integrati

Beginning: 4th, 5th and 6th hour as part of the whole 7:15 Great good news. "The Structural Reality" by Ron Kirpby (s. . .

[Audio] - Ida Teaches Horizontalizing Pelvis; Mult

3:00 When the day comes that we have an Institute 6:00 "If you're a good Rolfer he will get on his knees to get on your. . .

[Audio] Ida Teaches-Floor of the Pelvis Coccyx

5:00 It is the floor of the pelvis that is the vital structure 11:00 Get our your anatomy books 24:20 Comparison with . . .

[Audio] Ida Teaches - Muscle Wandering

16:50 Psoas is perhaps one of the most important structural units in the body 24:30 Go home and meditate for 2 hours . . .

[Audio] Ida Teaches - Abdominal Wall and Psoas

"There is no other single system in the body that is as important to the well-being of the body as the psoas-rectus comb. . .

[Audio] Ida Teaches - Differentiating and Patterni

1:50 There are two reasonably distinct nervous systems in the body. There are in charge of two different levels of funct. . .

[Audio] Ida Teaches - The Importance of Seeing

"I don't know how to direct you. My weakness as a teacher is that that which is so utterly apparent to me, it never occu. . .

[Audio] Ida Teaches - Review of Hours one through

Dr. Rolf leads student discussion to review Hours 1-5 in preparation for Hour 6.

[Audio] Ida Teaches Continuation of Review of Hour

Relationship between shoulders and thorax. Continuing review of hours 1-5.

[Audio] Ida Teaches - What Does Breath Have to Do

Getting where you want with the sacrum. The spine is the organ of respiration. 10:45 How you know you've gotten where . . .

[Audio] Ida Teaches Preparing for Seventh Hour

Jim Asher leads initial discussion: Why we work on mouth and neck before going into the nose. 11:30 Embryo has 8 cerv. . .

[Audio] Ida Teaches I Want You to See Bodies in Three Dimensions

2:00 How the body talks 2:40 The Recipe will get you out of trouble 7:00 Body assessment begins. Function of the legs.. . .

[Audio] Ida Teaches Relationship Between Head and Pelvis

8:00 Stressors on babies laid in different positions. 10:00 Babies strapped to board or swaddled 12:00 Ida's client Ca. . .

[Audio] Ida Teaches Get the Head On the Vertical Line

Dr. Rolf introduces the importance of having the head on the vertical line. 5:15 Ida begins body work

[Audio] Ida Teaches The Body is Like a Tensegrity Map- Research Paper

Ron MAcCOMB explains his hypothesis of the spine as a tensegrity structure, with Ida's critique. Excellent anatomy discu. . .

[Audio] Ida Teaches 7th Hour Discussion

Continued discussion on affect of processed foods on structure 19:30 Body assessment begins 33:00 Body work begins

[Audio] Ida Teaches Finding Yourself as a Teacher

12:20 Content starts in earnest 12:20 Non-medical therapeutic techniques 13:40 Find your place as a teacher 16:30 We. . .

[Audio] Ida Teaches Do I Work Above or Below the Waist

Surgical scar tissue 5:30 You have to differentiate by asking, As I look at this man, will the bottom half contribute t. . .

[Audio] Ida Teaches The Horizontal Line

Beginning is definition of structural integration and brief review of first hour 8:30 Ida talks about the disappearing . . .

[Audio] Ida Teaches Speeding the Change of Bodies into 21st Century Bodies

Dr. Rolf discusses body changes through history from the Egyptians, to Greeks, to Romans, to Christians. "You see how id. . .

[Audio] Ida Teaches Jim Asher Leads Discussion on Structural Integration

Student reads from Let's Live magazine on Unorthodox Healing and the Law by Leonard Worthington 8:15 Brief definition o. . .

[Audio] Ida Teaches Brilliant Anatomy Discussion A

Continued MAcCOMB research paper discussion. 15:00 State of average body 30:30 7th Hour discussion begins 33:00 start. . .

[Audio] Ida Teaches What Do You do in a Second Hou

Students discuss details of the second hour.

[Audio] Ida Teaches Continued Student Discussion

Auditing student explains his understanding of hours 2 - 8. Ida approves.

[Audio] Ida Teaches A Discussion on Cores

7:50 The hallmark of the 6th hour is you begin to see the sacrum participate in respiratory movement. 12:40 There is a. . .

[Audio] Ida Teaches (Cont.) Core Discussion; Putting Man Upright

6:00 You can tell if a joint is mobile as you watch it not moving. 12:00 (After watching a movie) "This is the world we. . .

[Audio] Ida Teaches Preparing to give a talk; Hubbards Emotional Levels

Ida discusses the levels of different emotions as identified by Hubbard. Starting with death, moving up to apathy, grief. . .

[Audio] Ida Teaches The Human Use of the Human Being

6:00 Ida's wisdom: This is the point in making a human a bi-ped 10:30 Body assessment and body work begin 17:40 Thickn. . .

[Audio] Ida Teaches Program Planning (cont.): Mystical Experience; Cerebral Palsy Study

Mystical experiences are IN the body; experiencing multi-dimensionality 11:00 Need to investigate energy fields around . . .

Ida Teaches Rambling Philosophical Discussion

16:00 Experiencing your body with another person who is experienced in seeing and experiencing the body as a teacher 17:. . .

[Audio] Ida Teaches Cadaver Dissection With Discus

Embryology Aging starts before birth 2 day old baby and adult male cadavers are dissected and movements observed. (No . . .

[Audio] Ida Teaches Dissection With Discussion (co

Continuation of previous discussion with slides of dissection

[Audio] Ida Teaches Abdominal Wall and Psoas

"There is no other single system in the body that is as important to the well-being of the body as the psoas-rectus comb. . .

[Audio] Ida Teaches A Human Being is an Energy Pat

5:30 Rolfing is experiential and that is all 10:50 Between every pair of ribs there are reflexes 13:30 Throw out your . . .

[Audio] Ida Teaches Newtonian Physics; Entropy; Bo

5:00 You are going to spend the rest of your life fighting the words which people use to hid facts they don't want to lo. . .

[Audio] 76ADV07 - 76ADV72 Ida Teaches - Lack of Length at Start of Fourth Hour

Body Assessment 24:30 Everyone who comes for a Fourth Hour shows lack of length in the mid-line 31:30 Ida points out l. . .

[Audio] 76ADV08 - 76ADV81 Ida Teaches - Review of 3rd and 4th Hours

Student discussion re 3rd and 4th hours until Ida enters. 20:00 Can't evaluate 4th hour independently 26:30 What is th. . .

[Audio] TCHCL - T2SB Ida Teaches - Details of Hours 1-3

Relationship of big toe and gait 6:00 Differences in gluteals 13:00 "You only have true verticality when you make one . . .

Ida Teaches First Hour Processing- Body is a Plastic Mechanism

Don't worry about moving thorax in first session 1:15 Most important thing you have to learn as Rolfers 6:00 Psychologic. . .

Ida Teaches 1) Energy Centers, 2) Getting Humans Out of Animals

3:30 Pelvis alignment begins to affect energy centers 8:30 As pelvis gets horizontal a strange thing happens. You begin . . .

Ida Teaches Systems Fitting Into Systems Creating Integration

Student review of sessions 1-4 20:00 Ida enters. Understanding system s 48:15 The answer to Rolfing is not to get an add. . .

Ida Teaches Evolving Brain Through Millennia

Manifestations of disease 9:00 The way of muscles in the erect personality 13:00 What you are looking for in gait 16:00 . . .

Ida Teaches Muscle Counterparts

Students discuss the feel of the work in their hands before Ida enters 12:00 Why a body feels lighter 16:00 Muscle count. . .

Ida Teaches 1800's Start of Natural Healing

Dr. Rolf asks students to consider what they are joining as she discusses early adopters of natural healing practices an. . .

Ida Teaches There are Different Degrees of Vulnerability in Different Parts of the Body

The body lives as a whole. Every part is alive. 4:45 The Recipe is a response to what goes on in a body. 8:00 The more s. . .

Ida Teaches Gravity is the Therapist

14:45 Living systems do not work the say symbolic systems work 18:00 Man has never invented something unless it was insi. . .

Ida Teaches Broad Overview of 10-series

9:00 discussion begins in earnest. Broad overview of the 10-series as it relates to putting the head on the body in the . . .

Ida Teaches Goal of Every Hour is Movement in the Pelvis

(hard to hear before minute 15) 16:00 Fundamentals. What happens in the first and second hours? 21:30 What is Rolfing? 2. . .

Ida Teaches How to Distribute Weight Most Effectively From the Point of Energy

5:30 "I want to leave a couple of hundred people who know how to make a Recipe." Dr. Ida Rolf 12:50 How do you. . .

Ida Teaches Your Livingness Depends on Your Pelvis

8:00 The limitless of the being goes on in the pelvic level<. . .

Ida Teaches Particles and Body Mass

9:00 If body is random it is not going to pull evenly/ 10:30. . .

Jan Sultan interview with Til Luchau 05.09.2022.mp4

From the Podcast,The Thinking Practitioner with Til Luchau and Whitney Lowe.