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Rolf Movement Training, Part 1: Functional Embodiment of the 10 Rolfing® Sessions - 2025 photo

€ 2150

Payment Conditions:
1. payment due 11/20/2024: € 720
2. payment due 12/20/2024: € 720
3. payment due 01/20/2025: € 710

(Prices, dates, course locations, and teachers are subject to change.)

To Register, visit
Payment options available upon enrollment
CE Credits
5 Rolf Movement Credits towards Rolf Movement Certification and/or Advanced Training
3 DIRI Elective CE credits
Saarstraße 5


Class Info

Dates: 1/22/2024 - 2/2/2025 (off 1/25 & 1/30)
Times: 9am - 6pm, last day: 9am - 4.30pm

This class will be taught in English.


Contact Martina Berger-


The Rolf Movement® Integration intensive training is offered in three parts in Munich and the parts can be booked in any order and can be spread over a few years. Each part will be offered every 9-10 months. Each part will cover 5 Movement credits and 3 elective credits towards the Advanced Training.

After attending all three parts you will get the Rolf Movement® Integration certificate and can use the service mark Rolf Movement®.

Part 1: Functional Embodiment of the 10 Rolfing® Sessions

In this part of the training, you will deepen your understanding of the functional aspects of the Rolfing Ten Series. The embodied explorations will be a platform for you to deepen your understanding of the Rolfing process and to be able to therefore offer more resonant movement explorations for your clients in their sessions.

About the Instructor:
Rita Geirola is a Certified Rolfer® (1987) and a Rolf Movement® Practitioner (1997). She also is an Advanced Rolfer® (2005). Rita teaches the functional aspect of Rolfing® in the Italian pre-training program and is a Rolf Movement Instructor for the Rolf Institute classes and workshops. She is also the Rolfing Instructor.

Her work with Hubert Godard and Peter Levine, and point of view of M. Feldenkrais have all had a deep impact on Rita's personal and professional development and they continue to influence her teaching.

"A good Rolfer has an innate sense of how gravity has an effect in shaping our life. An inquiring mind, a capacity for recognizing boundaries and a non-judgmental attitude are all good attributes. I also believe in curiosity for how human beings resource themselves for their survival, their adaptability and creativity to the context in which they live - at all levels of their being - physical, psychological and coordinative."