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Rolfing® SI Certification Training 2025-2026 photo

Level 1 5220 €
Level 2 8000 €
Level 3 8500 €
Payment options available upon enrollment
Dr. Ida Rolf Institute- Europe
Saarstr. 5


Class Info

This class will be taught in English


Rolfing - SI Certification Training 2025-2026
Level 1
Part 1: 14.03. -24.03.2025
Instructors: Rita Geirola, Gerhard Hesse, Pierpaola Volpones
Part 2: 11.07. - 21.07.2025
Instructors: Nicola Carofiglio, Gerhard Hesse, Kathrin Grobelnik
Part 3: 24.07. - 03.08.2025
Instructors: Rita Geirola, Gerhard Hesse, Kathrin Grobelnik

Please find further information about Level 1 – Myofascial Foundation here

Level 2
Part 1: 03.11. - 26.11.2025
Part 2: 13.01. - 05.02.2026
Instructor: Kathrin Grobelnik

Please find further information about Level 2 – Structural Fascial Bodywork here:

Level 3
08.06. - 30.07.2026
Instructors: France hatt-Arnold, Rita Geirola

Please find further information about Level 3 – Rolfing® Structural Integration here:
There will be an assesment during Level 3 and at the end of Level 3 the certification.
July 30, 2026 is the commencement ceremony for this program.

About the Instructors

Kathrin Grobelnik has been a Certified Rolfer® since 2007, Certified Advanced Rolfer® since 2012 and Rolf Movement™ Practitioner since 2013. She is a member of the Dr. Rolf Institute® and a Rolfing® Instructor. For the past 28 years, Kathrin has also taught Chinese martial art “Wing Tzun” in her studio in Leipzig.

Rita Geirola has been member of the Dr. Rolf Institute® since 1987 and an International and European Rolfing® and Rolf Movement™ Faculty member. She is a Certified Rolfer® (1987) and a Rolf Movement™ Practitioner (1997) and an Advanced Rolfer® (2005). Rita teaches the Basic Rolfing® Trainings in Munich and in Italy, Rolf Movement™ classes and CE-workshops.


Gerhard Hesse is a Certified Advanced Rolfer® (1984) and a Rolf Movement™ Practitioner (2005). He is an Instructor at the International and European Rolfing® Faculty. Gerhard runs his own practice in Vienna, Austria. Being a member of the International Life Science Faculty he also teaches anatomy classes having previously organised and taught dissection courses at the Anatomical University of Vienna for Rolfers and Osteopaths.

Pierpaola Volpones has been a member of the Rolf Institute since 1986 and an International and European Rolfing
® and Rolf Movement™ Faculty member, She is a member of the Life Sciences Faculty of the Rolf Institute® of Structural Integration (Boulder, CO) and teaches Anatomy for the European Rolfing® Association e.V. Sheis a certified Rolf Movement™ Practitioner (1986), a Rolfer® (1988), a Certified Advanced Rolfer® (1996) and an Advanced Rolfing® Instructor (2021).  Since 2006, Pierpaola has been an International Rolfing and Rolf Movement Instructor, while she continues to run her own Rolfing practice.

France Hatt-Arnold is a Certified Rolf Movement™ Practitioner (1986), Certified Rolfer® (1990) and a Certified Advanced Rolfer® (1996).  In 1986, she established a practice in Geneva, Switzerland, and she has been teaching Rolf Movement at the Rolf Institute since 1994, and Rolfing since 2007 for the European Rolfing Association.