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Advanced Training 2022 - ERA photo

Cost: 4900 €
Language: English

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Contact Martina Berger for more information.
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Advanced Training 2022 - ERA
Cost: € 4900
Language: English
Instructors: Jon Martine & Rita Geirola

Contact Martina Berger for more information.

Full list of dates
    Part 1 / January 17, 2022 - February 1, 2022 in Munich, Germany
    Part 2 / March 29, 2022 - April 13, 2022 in Munich Germany
(weekends off for both parts of training)

Advanced Training 2022

The Advanced Rolfing® certification course (AT) provides practitioners with a 24-day extended-format course designed to advance the diverse and complex set of skills required to develop mastery in Rolfing. Emphasis is on developing the skill to create a client-centred approach through the application of non-formulaic principles for basic and advanced clients.

As Rolfers® we are invoking our client's ability to appropriately respond to whatever arises in their environment, be it internal or external. Dr. Rolf said that the purpose of the advanced training is "to see their (the clients') radical individuality and to tailor our work to that distinctiveness."

The 10-series, Dr. Rolf's gift to the world, will provide a starting point for our inquiry. A study of the internal logic, the relationships inherent in the recipe and the body, will be a review of the series from the perspective of evoking integration. Detailed anatomy and a survey of theory (from historical perspectives and new science)to describe the complex phenomenon of embodiment will be explored. Myo-fascial, neuro-fascial, viscero-fascial and cranio-fascial approaches will be presented. Structural, joint-specific approaches will be presented that include the multi-dimensional (beyond the mechanical) aspect of biomechanics. Tracking, back-work and other integrative functional strategies will be presented and refined. We will draw from and synthesize our years of personal clinical experimentation; movement and functional modalities, (from other allied health fields); and what we have learned from those that came before us.

There are many skills, attributes and characteristics that make an effective practitioner. We will explore what we consider to be the two primary requirements: practitioner presence and the utilization of a broad spectrum of contact. A practitioner's presence alone is a form of contact which either invites or restricts a client's experience and awareness. A broad spectrum of contact involves many elements: the ability to match the needs of the client; speak the language of each tissue type being contacted; balance giving and receiving information; honoring the system's response. During a session all of these elements must be negotiated moment by moment. We will access, expand and refine each student's ability to be present with "self "and "other" to enhance the extent of change which leads to integration, holism.

The Advanced Training format aims to create a collaborative environment utilizing lecture/ discussion, demonstration, body reading and palpation practicums. Each Rolfer® will give and receive work with a class partner and work on an outside client or two.