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RMW1.22 Normal Stability: Evoking Inherent Adaptability to Meet Demand photo
+ $75.00 (admin fee)
Total: $ 825.00
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Payment options available upon enrollment
Save $100 when you register by 1/5/2022
CE Credits
6 Rolf Movement credits towards the Advanced Training Pre-Requisite
45 NCBTMB Continuing Education Hours
(30 hours Webinar, 15 hours Home Study)
**Not eligible for Rolf Movement Certification credit
Online via Zoom and Canvas, UNITED STATES



6-week class starting January 12, 2022, and going through February 20, 2022.

The hours will be Wednesdays and Sundays, 9:00am - 11:30am PT +2.5 hrs/week home study/practice, etc.

This course offers a missing piece in Rolf's recipe: explicit consideration of how the goals and steps of structural integration translate into improved body stability and capacity for self-care. We will address stability from Rolf's view that there is such a thing as normal body behavior; human bodies have an inherent capacity to respond efficiently and effectively to physical and psychological challenges. We can find stability and express lengthening at the same time. Through our work with clients, they can learn to discern and value non-effortful stability.

Topics include:

  • What does normal stability look and feel like?
  • How do anatomical structures contribute to stabilization?
  • Where does stabilization fit into an SI series?
  • How does one clarify the pre-movement moment?
  • How does enhanced stability translate into improved coordination?
  • How does self-care embed into each session of a series?

We will use Hubert Godard’s Tonic Function model to better understand the surprising complexities of stabilization. How do we move from stabilization-based-on-effort to finding our stability through a more nuanced response of our tonic system?
The course will feature lectures, discussions and experiential somatic practices to highlight the topics of Tonic Function, stabilization, and somatic self-expression. Reading materials and video links provided for self-study will update us on recent scientific discoveries in the field of biomechanics, perception, and coordination, serving as the basis for class discussions. Students will learn relevant Rolf Movement sessions and self-care practices which will be demonstrated live and through video presentation. These sessions will be performed by students on their own clients, followed by class debriefings and question and answer sessions. As a clear step-by-step reference guide and for easy future recall, students will be provided with an illustrated booklet containing detailed descriptions of each session.

About the Instructor

Per Haaland is a Certified Advanced Rolfer®, Rolfing® Instructor, and Rolf Movement® Instructor. Per received his basic Rolfing® training in 1989 and completed his Advanced Training in 1994. Studies with Hubert Godard and Kevin Frank shape his understanding of structural integration as interactive somatic education, highlighting perceptual and coordinative processes. Per’s inclusive teaching style enables Rolfers to easily and confidently expand their structural integration skills into Rolf Movement applications.