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Embodiment, Sensory guided Movements with Movement themes photo

The cost is $499
Payments are accepted through PayPal.

Contact Jennifer Hayes to register.

The book, Embodiment, is a required manual and is available digitally at
Payment options available upon enrollment
CE Credits
2 Elective Credits
Online via Zoom, CANADA


Class Info

Non-DIRI Affiliated courses are offered by non-faculty members who have completed their Advanced Training. Certificates are issued by the member for Elective CE Credit. Inquire with the member regarding NCBTMB approval.

Contact Jennifer directly to register or for more information at:
647 -678-4300


February 14 - April 4, 2023
Meets weekly on Tuesday for 8 consecutive weeks
6:30pm - 7:30pm EST
This class offers 2 Elective credit

The Embodiment program is designed to further your self-development by transforming your daily movements, so you can feel better physically.

The movements in "Embodiment" cultivate the sensory cortex of the brain using perception, imagery, breath awareness, and bi-directional movement. This is not just another set of exercises - this approach will change how you perceive your body and the space around you.

By working through the 8 sessions of movements and concepts in this program, then incorporating them into your daily lives, people have resolved past injuries, have felt better physically, and have gained the tools to progress on their personal journey toward better health.

Based on movement education this is a cutting-edge way to realign your body and resolve old injuries. The Embodiment 8 Session online small group program adds a further dimension to movement and is a fun way to move in a group.

The book, Embodiment, is a required manual and is available digitally at .

Contact Jennifer Hayes to register.

About the Instructor

Jennifer Hayes, B.A. has been an Advanced Rolfer® and Rolf Movement® practitioner for over two decades. She also holds certifications in Cranial Sacral Therapy and Somatic Experiencing. Her Rolfing® practice is in Toronto. Visit her website