Briah Anson, Certified Advanced Rolfer

I have been Rolfing for 41 years. My Rolfing practice includes people in every age group, from infants to seniors. I also work with athletes, dancers, and physically active people who want to improve performance and reduce risk of injury. Given all of my psychological training, I also specialize in working with clients who have experienced various forms of trauma. I have pioneered the field of Rolfing animals of all species and have done some teaching and mentoring in this area. 

In 1998 I completed my Movement Practitioner training at the Rolf Institute and in 2006 I completed a month-long movement training in Brazil with Hubert Godard.
I have completed various trainings from the Upledger Insittue, Inc. in CranioSacral Therapy, Visceral Manipulation, and Mechanical Link. 
I have been integrating scar tissue work into the fascial web since 2014. Since 2017, I have been working with the Erchonia Cold Laser technology and it is an integral part of my Rolfing practice. 
Starting in 2000, and for twenty consecutive years, I have been doing advanced training in the energetic healing work of Frequencies of Brilliance.
In June of 2019, I completed 550 hours of training in Classical Homeopathy from the Northwestern Academy of Homeopathy 

Contact this Rolfer
5760 Colfax Ave South
Minneapolis, MN 55419