Jason DeFilippis, Certified Advanced Rolfer

Rolfing Structural Integration is a method of deep manipulation of the connective tissues of the body, developed by Dr. Ida P. Rolf. Her intention was to create a system of postural restructuring and movement re-patterning, in order to promote ease and balance in the body with a corresponding effect on the mind. A Rolfer is highly trained to see, and address the complex ways in which a body-mind is relating to itself and its environment. The more balanced these relationships are, the more choice we will have in our experience. Through hands-on manipulation, and movement (perceptual) education, Rolfing is a very precise and effective way to change deep-set habits of posture, movement, and orientation.
Rolfing Structural Integration is a method of deep manipulation of the connective tissues of the body, developed by Dr. Ida P. Rolf. Her intention was to create a system of postural restructuring and movement re-patterning, in order to promote ease and balance in the body and therefore the mind. A Rolfer is highly trained to see, and address the complex ways in which a body-mind is relating to itself and its environment. The more balanced these relationships are, the more choice we will have in our experience. Through hands-on manipulation, and movement (perceptual) education, Rolfing is a very precise and effective way to change deep-set habits of posture, movement, and orientation.
Contact this Rolfer
594 Broadway
Suite 1103
New York, NY 10012