Emily Dolan Gordon, Certified Advanced Rolfer

I have a full-time practice in Frederick, Maryland, & a home office in Sharpsburg. My training includes Visceral Manipulation and techniques from Manual Osteopathy with Peter Schwind & Dr Alain Croibier in Munich, Germany, and advanced principles of strain-counterstrain from the Advanced training with Tessy Brungart and Brian Tuckey's Jones Fascial Counterstrain.  My continuing education, in the US, has been with in osteopathic manual technique with students of Barrall, Upledger, Jones, & Ron Murray (Rolfer also teaching osteopathic technique in Canada). 

My approach is rational and holistic, and I offer both biomechanical problem-solving and classical 10-session work. 

I have six years of experience working as a bodywork contractor with the US Military, and I offer discounts for active duty military and law enforcement personnel. My practice is informed by practice of classical Japanese martial arts, fascination with biology, science and the natural world. In Costa Rica with an amazing creature

Contact this Rolfer
3913 Harpers Ferry Rd
Sharpsburg, MD 21782