Jazmine Fox-Stern, Certified Advanced Rolfer

Although it's great helping people get out of pain, it's not the best part of my job. What feeds my soul is helping people to feel at home in their bodies- helping people learn how to relax and how to stay relaxed when they go about their daily lives. Helping people who feel broken regain a sense of wholeness. Helping people find out how good movement can feel when the body is in balance. Watching people who have hated, feared, ignored and mistreated their bodies develop a joyful relationship with their physical selves. As my clients begin to understand their bodies, they begin to trust their bodies. This trust brings an empowering sense of well-being. 

As a faculty member at the Dr Ida Rolf Institute® of Structural Integration, it has been exciting and rewarding to guide the development of future Rolfers®. 

Contact this Rolfer
3250 Airport Way S #635
Seattle, WA 98134