Kevin McCarthy, Certified Advanced Rolfer

Kevin McCarthy is a Somatic Experiencing® Practitioner, Advanced Rolfer and Rolf Movement® Practitioner specializing in the effects of trauma and chronic pain on the body. 

Originally trained in Boulder, Colorado at the Rolf Institute® for Structural Integration, with further training in trauma work through the Somatic Experiencing® Trauma Institute, Kevin's specialized practice brings a deep and studied knowledge of the body together with an appreciation for the impact of the mind and perception on our own ability to heal. 

He has additional training in osteopathic manipulation, cranial sacral therapy, visceral manipulation, energy work, trauma therapy, myofascial release, and holds an Advanced certification in Rolfing® Structural Integration and a specialized certification in Rolf Movement®. He is board-certified by the International Association of Structural Integrators®.

Kevin's 15 years of experience, along with these many and diverse skills are combined into powerful sessions dedicated to helping people find depth and meaning in their own healing experience. Kevin's sessions are a surprising and effective mix of talk therapy, manual intervention and movement exploration structured to support the client's realization of their emotional, mental and physical health in a safe and welcoming environment.

Contact this Rolfer
314 Clifton Ave.
Mend Therapy
Minneapolis, MN 55403