Hiroyoshi Tahata, Certified Advanced Rolfer

Hiroyoshi Tahata, Rolf-Movement Instructor is renowned for developing, teaching and practicing a subtly powerful work that integrates the deepest levels of self with the informing field in which he stands. His unique approach to Spatial Somatics recognizes that the body is in constant relationship to the surrounding space. Developing balance, orientation and coordination, require a constant interaction with the external environment whether you are working in a therapeutic session or within your daily life.  In 1999, Hiro began exploring the movement of Yield and has cultivated and deepened his understanding of this primal action over the past 25 years. The approach he has developed is transformative and broadens a practitioner's field of perception and informed touch. 

To find out more and see photos, go to:  https://yielding.work/  and https://rolfinger.com/


Contact this Rolfer
Shibuya, Tokyo- Japan, ** 1500034