Paul Wirth, Certified Advanced Rolfer

Since 2003, I've supported people with a wide range of physical ability and disability to recover from injury and trauma, move more freely and efficiently, and develop more upright and adaptable bodies. I integrate several modalities, chiefly Structural Integration (SI), craniosacral therapy, and visceral manipulation, along with various ways of working with posture, coordination, and neuromuscular patterns.

My work is fundamentally about amplifying the body's innate capacity for efficient, graceful, and powerful posture and movement. This general description applies to a wide variety of issues and goals. I work hands-on to reduce and transform the patterns that cause strain, pain, and limitation and I guide clients to manage their posture and movement efficiently and easily.

Some of my clients arrive feeling frustrated with the way their recurring, chronic, or worsening problems haven't yet been adequately understood as part of a larger pattern. Others are curious about how they could develop a new way of being and moving in their bodies—to feel upright and strong without strain.

I love to work with both perspectives simultaneously—to help people find lasting relief, and to help them use their bodies in a new way. Fundamentally, these are two aspects of the same process.

I've been a Certified Rolfer® since 2002 and a Certified Advanced Rolfer® since 2016. I'm also a student and teacher of Tai Chi Ch'uan, which has contributed greatly to my practice of bodywork and my teaching of movement.
Contact this Rolfer
16 N Marengo Ave Suite 418
Pasadena, CA 91101