Caryn McHose Harrisville NH

Caryn McHose is a Certified Rolfer in Harrisville

Caryn McHose is Registered Somatic Movement Therapist, Certified Advanced Rolfer and Rolf Movement Practitioner. She is also a Somatic Experiencing Practitioner and Biodynamic Cranial Sacral Practitioner. She started formal dance training at age 5 and has taught movement for over 50 years to people of all ages. Caryn is the co-author (with Kevin Frank) of How Life MovesExplorations in Meaning and Body Awareness, and collaborated on the book Bodystories, A Guide to Experiential Anatomy, by Andrea Olsen a book based on the course Caryn created at Middlebury College. 
Caryn has a private practice in bodywork and structural integration from a perceptual and coordinative point of view for over 35 years and teaches in the US and Internationally.

Contact this Rolfer
23 Blackberry Ln
Harrisville, NH 03450