Emily Wishall, Certified Rolfer

Emily Wishall knows what it is like to feel insecure, ashamed, tired, and constricted in her body. Through her own journey of transformation, she is able to better understand and help her clients overcome their own limitations and is passionate about supporting women on the path to loving their bodies. An Embodiment Coach, Certified Rolfer, Art of Feminine Presence Teacher, and Author of Radical Embodiment: A Practical Guide to Celebrating the Skin You’re In. Emily graduated from the University of Kansas with a Bachelor’s Degree in Exercise Science.

Through her signature Radical Embodiment coaching process, Emily helps her clients to release pain and the old postural and mental patterns keeping them stuck, small, and limited, guiding her clients to feel more confident, energized, and at home in their bodies.


In developing her unique approach to body love, Emily has received training in specialized topics ranging from craniosacral work, the neuroscience behind chronic pain, functional methods from an osteopathic perspective, a year-long Feminine Leadership Mastery program, and Active Fascial Unwinding.


Emily lives in Boulder, Colorado. In her free time, she likes to be in nature, whether hiking on the trails or camping, leisure trail running, skiing, or reading a book in the sun. She spends most of her time with her sweet dog, Tula Rose and her family who live nearby (she is the youngest of 7 and currently has 10 nieces and nephews).


To learn more about Emily and her work, you can visit her websites at www.RadicalEmbodiment.com & www.WishallWellness.com.
Contact this Rolfer
825 S. Broadway
Boulder, CO 80305