Rachel English, Certified Rolfer

Move out of pain, trauma, and old patterns and into better health and well-being at Form with Flow Somatic Integration Studio.  Using hands-on bodywork that aligns your structure within the flow of gravity and simple awareness explorations that remap your nervous system, Form with Flow guides you in making changes that feel revitalizing, impact the whole-body system, and remain sustainable over time. Although things may seem stuck and out of your control, pain flares again and again, trauma keeps getting retriggered, or the same stress patterns arise over and over, change is possible.  The work is appropriate for and accessible to people of all ages, body types, and abilities.  You have the potential to move in a healthier, more joyful way.

Rachel English is a Certified Rolfer, Board Certified Structural Integrator, Somatic Experiencing Practitioner, and the owner of Form with Flow Somatic Integration Studio.

Contact this Rolfer
210 Saint James St.
Columbia, MO 65201