Flynn Vickowski, Certified Rolfer

Flynn is dedicated to enhancing overall wellness by supporting you in rediscovering natural resources within your body, helping you to regain your fullest potential, and relief from pain. Expect to leave each session more open, energized, and connected in your body. She is committed to working with you to discover effective tools for your own unique journey towards natural alignment, ease, mobility, and embodiment for a fulfilling life. She aims to support you in getting to a place where you don't need to come in regularly and you are able to heal more quickly via your body's own resilience.

Flynn loves to work with dancers and other athletes and has had excellent success in working with those experiencing life transitions, post-pregnancy issues, injury recovery, chronic pain, posture difficulties, headaches, TMJD, whiplash, and more. This work is ideal for ANYONE who wants to move better and feel better.

Please reach out to start your path to a more whole, aligned and easeful experience in your body. I am happy to meet you where you are at and answer any and all questions that you may have.

Se habla español.

Flynn is a salsa dancer, outdoor enthusiast, competitive horseback rider, traveler, former whitewater river guide and Andean bear biologist, and passionate about connecting people to each other and to themselves.
Contact this Rolfer
607 10th Street
Suite 204
Golden, CO 80401