Dr. Jeffrey Maitland served as a faculty member of the Dr. Ida Rolf Institute® since 1979 and was a prolific author and leader in the field of Rolfing® Structural Integration. He worked as a tenured professor of philosophy at Purdue University before becoming a Rolfer™ as well as being ordained as a Zen Monk.
Written by Jeffrey Maitland, PhD
Embodied Being is unique among books on manual therapy, offering an "infrastructure for intuition," a philosophical approach to what is essentially a practical process of diagnosis and treatment with one's hands. Grounded in the author's decades of practice as a Rolfer and Zen meditator, the book offers a first-of-its-kind three-step method for training practitioners how to see holistically, given the enormously important role perception plays in assessing clients. By exposing many of the unconscious philosophical assumptions that occlude our understanding the depths of manual therapy, Embodied Being promises to illuminate the full scope of body-mind healing, from the point of view of both the practitioner and the person receiving the work.