Your clients will more fully integrate the work you’ve done together as you use the Tuning Board to help them attune to fluid verticality in the field of gravity. Original price is $390.
The Tuning Board….
Feeds a fluid sensory experience into the user's standing body, encouraging autonomic nervous system balance and fluidity;
Encourages proper foot alignment and function;
Is safer and more stable than any balance board on the market, with an exquisite balance between soft and firm responsiveness;
Centering and grounding are interwoven with movement;
Gentle, constant motion allows for movement in any plane without shocking strikes with the floor;
Elegant design and quality long-lasting construction make it suitable for professional use in structural integration;
The experience is that of a continual gentle dance with gravity.
Log in as a DIRI member to receive 10% off the usual retail price of $390 when ordered through the Dr. Ida Rolf Institute webstore! If your country is not listed for purchase, you can still receive your discount by emailing with code DIRI2022. Click below for safety information and terms and conditions.
Warning! The Original Tuning Board™ system is not a toy, and is by design an unstable surface. Until able to manage the system safely, always use a handrail or other support. For best foot, ankle, and lower leg responsiveness and to prevent slipping, use bare feet or “bare foot” style shoes with a non-slip surface and make sure the Tuning Board’s surface and the user’s feet are dry before using. Failure to exercise caution could result in injury. Momentary disorientation may occur when working with balance and the vestibular system. Adequate precautions should be taken to prevent a fall which could lead to serious injury or death. Elderly users should always use the Tuning Board under adequate supervision or guidance. Read all warnings and safety instructions before using, including those which follow. Use at your own risk. Neither the Dr. Ida Rolf Institute, nor Darsan, Inc., nor their owner(s) or agent(s) shall be liable for injuries resulting from the use or misuse of this product.